1. Havemose-Poulsen A. Marginal parodontitis og matrix metalloproteinaser. Ph.d.-afhandling. København 1995.
2. Havemose-Poulsen A. Marginal parodontitis og matrix metalloproteinaser. Tandlægebladet 1996; 11: 444-449.
3. Havemose-Poulsen A. Marginal parodontitis og matrix metalloproteinaser. Tandlægernes Nye Tidsskrift 1996; 8: 234-240.
4. Havemose-Poulsen A, Holmstrup P. Factors affecting IL-1-mediated collagen metabolism by fibroblasts and the pathogenesis of periodontal disease. A review of the literature. Critical Reviews in Oral Biology and Medicine 1997; 8: 217-236
5. Havemose-Poulsen A, Holmstrup P, Stoltze K, Birkedal-Hansen H. Dissolution of type I collagen fibrils by gingival fibroblasts isolated from patients of various periodontitis categories. Journal of Periodontal Research 1998; 33: 280-291.
6. Holmstrup P, Havemose-Poulsen A, Fiehn N-E. Marginal parodontit og almensygdomme. Tandlægebladet 2000;18:1172-1180.
7. Bratthall G, Lindberg P, Havemose-Poulsen A, Holmstrup P, Bay L, Söderholm G, Norderyd O, Andersson B, Rickardsson B, Hallström H, Kullendorff B, Sköld Bell H. Comparison of ready-to-use EMDOGAIN®-gel and EMDOGAIN® in patients with chronic adult periodontitis. Journal of Clinical Periodontology 2000;28:923-929.
8. Birkedal-Hansen H, Windsor LJ, Havemose-Poulsen A, Lyons JG, Yamada S, Birkedal-Hansen B, Stetler-Stevenson W. Matrix metallproteinases. In Current Protocols in Cell Biology, chapter 10, unit 8, 2002, Wiley.
9. Holmstrup p, Havemose-Poulsen A, Andersen L, Skuldbøl T, Fiehn N-E. Oral infections and systemic disease. The Dental Clinics of North America 2003;47:575-598.
10. Björnsson MJ, Velschow S, Stoltze K, Havemose-Poulsen A, Schou S, Holmstrup P. The influence of diet consistence, drinking water and bedding on periodontal disease in Spraque-Dawley rats. Journal of Periodontal Research 2003;38:1-8.
11. Björnssón MJ, Havemose-Poulsen A, Stoltze K, Holmstrup P. Influence of the matrix meralloproteinase inhibitor batimastat (BB-94) on periodontal bone destruction in Spraque-Dawlay rats. Journal of Periodontal Research 2004;39:269-274.
12. Havemose-Poulsen A, Westergaard J, Stoltze K, Skjødt H, Danneskiold-Samsøe B, Bendtzen K, Holmstrup P. Periodontal and haematological characteristics associated with aggressive periodontitis, juvenile idiopathic arthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. Journal of Periodontology 2006;77:280-288.
13. Havemose-Poulsen A, Sørensen LK, Stoltze K, Bendtzen K, Holmstrup P. Cytokine profiles in peripheral blood and whole blood cell cultures associated with aggressive periodontitis, juvenile idiopathic arthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. Journal of Periodontology 2005;76:2276-2285.
14. Haubek D, Havemose-Poulsen A, Westergaard J. Aggressive periodontitis in a 16-year-old Ghanaian adolescent, the original source of Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans strain HK 1651 – a 10-year follow up. Journal of Paediatric Dentistry 2006;16:370-375.
15. Havemose-Poulsen A, Sørensen LK, Bendtzen K, Holmstrup P. Polymorphisms within the IL-1 gene cluster: Effects on cytokine profiles in peripheral blood and whole blood cell cultures of patients with aggressive periodontitis, juvenile idiopathic arthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. Journal of Periodontology 2007;78;475-492.
16. Havemose-Poulsen A, Sørensen LK, Bendtzen K, Holmstrup P. Polymorphisms within the TNF gene: Effects on cytokine profiles in peripheral blood and whole blood cell cultures of patients with aggressive periodontitis, juvenile idiopathic arthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. Cytokine: forventes insendt september 2006.
17. Havemose-Poulsen A. Aggressiv parodontitis – hvad er det og hvorfor. I Aktuel Nordisk Odontologi 2008. Munksgaard Danmark 33-44.
18. Holmstrup P, Reinholdt J, Havemose-Poulsen A. Marginal parodontitis er en af de almindeligste inflammatoriske sygdomme. Ugeskrift for læger 2010;172:3029-3032.
19. Pedersen AML, Havemose-Poulsen.
20. Stavropoulos A, Holmstrup P, Karring E, Havemose-Poulsen A. Parodontale sygdommes klassifikation: en praksisrelateret indfaldsvinkel. Tandlægebladet 2011;115:646-651.
21. Holmstrup P, Reinholdt J, Havemose-Poulsen A. Aspekter af marginal parodontitispatogenese. Tandlægebladet 2011;115:662-669.
22. Havemose-Poulsen A. Behandling af aggressiv marginal parodontitis. Tandlægebladet 2011;115. Udkommer 24. august 2011.
23. Pedersen AML, Havemose-Poulsen A. Orale manifestationer ved Sjögrens syndrom og reumatoid artritis. Nordiske Tandlægeblade (Danmark, Norge, Sverige, Finland) Udkommer efteråret 2011.